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Removing Attributes from Bank Transactions

FINSYNC gives you an easy way to track attributes directly from the Banking screen. Attributes are important when it comes to running specialized reports.

For additional information on Attributes in general, (Click Here)

Note: You can remove attributes one by one, or all associated attributes of a single transaction with a single click.


Follow the below steps to easily remove attributes from bank transactions:

1.  Click on Banking from the top menu.

2.  Make sure you choose the correct bank account in order to find the transaction you want to update. If you only have one bank account synced, then it will be selected automatically. Find and click the transaction row you want to remove attributes from.

Screenshot 2024-07-29 151730

This is the expanded view after you click the transaction row: 

Screenshot 2024-07-29 151805

4. Click the "X" on the right of the listed attribute in order to remove it and designate that field to None

Screenshot 2024-07-29 154015-1

5.  Click Save to update the changes made to your attribute(s).

Screenshot 2024-07-29 154424




Related Articles: 

Overview of Attributes (Classes)

Adding Attributes to Bank Transactions

Adding Attributes to Invoices

How to Create and Send an Invoice