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FINSYNC Password Requirements

The following password requirements are in place to secure your FINSYNC account.

Passwords for FINSYNC must:

  • be different than any of the last three (3) passwords used
  • be at least 8 characters
  • include at least one number (0-9)
  • include at least one lower case character (a-z)
  • include at least one upper case character (A-Z)
  • include at least one special character (!@#$%^&*)

Additional Information:

  • Once you click in the password box, you will see a helper text box that shows selection options defaulted to red X that change to a green checkmark once requirements are met.
  • You can use the eye icon on the right side of the password box to show or hide your password as it is being typed. This is to ensure both passwords match before continuing. 
  • When changing your password, you must confirm the new password in the second password box.
  • Each user is required to change their password every 6 months.

You may receive an error message if one of the following occurs:

  • You're trying to re-use one of your last three passwords.
  • One or more of the listed requirements are not met. There will be a red ‘X’ showing what is missing from your new password. 
  • You are allowed three incorrect login attempts before your account locks for 1 hour.


Related Articles: 

FINSYNC and Multifactor Authentication (MFA)

How to Reset a Password

Adding Users and Modifying User Permissions (Sharing and Inviting Users)