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How to Change Profile Ownership (Email & Password)

FINSYNC allows Profiles to change ownership (password & email) at any point in time by the profile owner.

Note: The following steps and actions can only be completed by the Profile Owner. If you are simply an invited USER of the FINSYNC profile, rather than the owner, you will be unable to follow the below steps.

In order to change the Password and Email combination associated with a FINSYNC profile, follow the steps outlined below: 

1. Hover over the Company Profile Icon and select Security Settings

Security Settings

2. Click Security Settings from the left menu. 

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3. Click Edit in the Login Info section. This is where you can change your account Password and the Email address that is used to log in. 

  • You must enter in the current profile password before being able to proceeded with any changes. 

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4. Use the green Save Changes button. 

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