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How to Set Up Employee Benefits to be Paid Through FINSYNC

Each of your team members (employees) can have benefits added to their payroll. You'll need to repeat this process for each employee.

To set up employee benefits within FINSYNC payroll, follow the steps outlined below: 

1. Be sure the employee/associate has an active, set up profile within the system (this is where the money will be sent to fund the benefit).  

2. Click on the Payroll tab in the top menu.

3. Click Associates Records in the left-hand menu. 

4. Click the row of the associate to whom you want to add benefits.


5. Click Benefits in the associate's profile menu.


6. Click on the green New Benefit button. 


7. Choose a Benefit Type. If you do not see the category listed, choose Other at the bottom of the list.


8. Choose the Payee, which is where the money will be sent.


9. Set up the Associate and Employee contributions. You may need to consult with your accountant or head of finance as well as the associate for optional benefits.

Note: The For field will be the description of this benefit that appears on the Associate's paystub.


It is extremely important to be sure you choose the correct option for pre-tax or after tax. 


10. Click Save. You can add as many benefits as you need by repeating the above process.