How to Add Inventory Items

FINSYNC allows you to easily keep track of the items your business sells, making it easy to add them to invoices, track of purchases as well as calculate costs.

Follow the steps below to begin creating new inventory items in the profile Catalog.

1. Mouse over the Company Profile Icon in the top right hand corner and select Profile Settings

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2. From the left hand menu, select Setup at the bottom to view more options. 

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3.  Select Catalog Items below Setup.

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4.  You can click on the word Inventory to view already created items or select the '+' symbol on the right side of Inventory to create a new item.

5.  When adding a new inventory item, fill in the fields. For Sales, Departments and Locations, you can also Add New if necessary. You will see that option on the right of these selections. 

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6.  When finished, select Save.

NOTE: Once you create an invoice for any inventory items, this will automatically update your inventory quantity by deducting what you've invoiced for. 



Related Articles:  

How to Add Accounts to Chart of Accounts

How to Create and Send an Invoice

Invoice Settings - Payment Details

How To Convert Quotes to Invoices