Sending Payments
FINSYNC allows you to create an itemized bill or simply send an electronic payment in one simple step.
Your FINSYNC Payments subscription allows you to easily pay bills and send electronic payment all in one place.
To begin Sending Payments through your FINSYNC account, follow the steps outlined below:
1. Click Payments from the blue banner at the top and select Send Payment from the lower left menu.
2. From the Send Payment generation screen you will need to fill out the following information:
NOTE: Only fields that are marked with a red asterisk are required when sending a payment.
- Vendor - Select from your existing list or, if needed, you can add a new vendor using the link below the drop down menu.
- From Bank Account - If you only have one bank account added to FINSYNC, it will default to this account. Otherwise, click the dropdown to select which account you prefer to send the funds from.
- Amount - Enter in the appropriate amount accounting for the total of all fees, taxes, etc.
- Category - You can categorize this expense right away when sending payments.
- Pay By - Select the date that the payment needs to be made by. You will also see the date when the funds will be drafted from your account to ensure they arrive on time to the vendor.
- Vendor Account Number - Optionally list your account number with that vendor.
- Vendor Invoice Number - Optionally list the number of the invoice being paid.
- Memo - Add a memo on the payment if you prefer. This will be vendor facing.
- Attachments - Optionally attach an electronic file to the payment (could be a PDF of an invoice being paid).
3. Click Send to complete your payment.
Related Articles:
How to Create and Send an Invoice