What Your Customer Receives When You Request Payment or Send an Invoice
The following provides details on what your customer receives when you request a payment from them. Requesting payment from a customer is performed within FINSYNC using one of the following within the Payments area of FINSYNC:
- Using the Receive Payments feature.
- Using the Invoice feature.
The recipient (your customer) will receive an email containing your invoice when a payment is requested using one of the above options. The email will look similar to the example below including your company name and invoice number in the subject line. The recipient can view the invoice by clicking View Invoice within email. This will open the invoice in a separate internet browser tab.
After clicking the View Invoice button within email, the recipient will be presented with the invoice details and will appear similar to the example below.
- By default, invoices are paid by Bank Transfer or "ACH" (electronic check).
- If you have the option to accept credit cards as payment, a Credit Card option will appear as well. You have the option to choose which payment options your customer is presented with at the time that you are sending the invoice.
- You will notice where the Payment Terms and Additional Notes are listed at the bottom of the invoice. These are optional when creating the invoice.
- The recipient should select the payment method, enter the payment details and then click Pay Now to submit and the process is complete!
Related Articles:
What Your Customer Receives when you Send a Quote
Choosing Who Receives Invoices & Payments
How to Create and Send an Invoice
How to Create Recurring Invoices