Locating & Understanding Your FINSYNC Score
The below article outlines both where you can locate your FINSYNC score a well as providing information as to what your Score represents and how it is calculated.
Locating your FINSYNC Score
Your FINSYNC Score can be viewed from the Home page as well as from within the Cashflow module.
- When viewing the Home page - your FINYNC Score will be listed directly underneath your Cashflow Charts/Graphs
- When viewing the Cashflow module - your FINSYNC Score will be listed in the left hand menu underneath the "Financing" heading. Clicking on your score hear will open a page that provides additional details of the factors that determine your score (these are also listed here below).
Note: The listing from within the Cashflow module provides additional details as to what your Score represents, how it can be used as well as the contributing factors that make up your specific score.
Home Page:
Cash Flow Module:
Criteria used in determining your FINSYNC Score
- Time in Business - The longer your business operates, the higher your FINSYNC Score.
- Net Cash Flow - Having a strong, positive net cash flow month over month helps to increase your FINSYNC Score.
- Monthly Deposits - Having a higher number of deposits as well as a higher average deposit value helps to increase your FINSYNC Score.
- Bank Balance - Having a higher daily average bank account balance helps to increase your FINSYNC Score.
Why your FINSYNC Score matters
Lender's within the FINSYNC network can easily reference your FINSYNC score to better determine loan eligibility. FINSYNC Score is the most efficient way of tracking your accessibility to capital.
- Scores of 680 and above are considered to be good with most lenders.
- Highest Score - 840