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Invoice Settings - Payment Details

The following article covers the settings for Payment Details when creating or editing an invoice

When creating (or editing) an invoice, the Settings in the upper right section of the screen provide a number of flexible options for the payment terms and schedule.

Set Reminder

Payment Details-1

When enabling this setting, reminders will be sent to the invoice recipient. The frequency of the reminders can be set to: Weekly or Monthly.

Accepting Partial Payments

By default, invoices are expected to be paid in full through one payment. When enabling this setting, the your customer will have the option to submit the invoice in partial payments (two or more). If a partial payment is received, FINSYNC will record the payment and update the "Status" to show Partially Paid. Payments are listed within the Invoice History when viewing the invoice in FINSYNC.

Payment Schedule

You can arrange a Payment Schedule with your customers by using the Split option. This setting will split the invoice payment in two or more smaller amounts that each have a specific due on date. Your customer will receive the request for payment for the dates specified.

Payment Terms

You can choose to Auto Generate the Payment Terms based on due date and amount and this will also outline the details for the Payment Schedule (if used). You can type additional terms into this field as needed.

Additional Notes

The Additional Notes section on an invoice allows for any additional details to included on the invoice to communication to your customer. The Additional Notes are visible to both you and your customer.

Private Notes (Internal Only)

The Private Notes are not visible to your customer and can be used to add specific notes for internal reference by you and any other users of your FINSYNC profile. These notes are visible to all users with access to Payments within your FINSYNC profile. 

Note: Private/Internal notes and other settings cannot be updated on an Invoice once the invoice has been paid in full.


Related Articles:

How to Create and Send an Invoice

How to Create Recurring Invoices