How to Create Recurring Invoices
Recurring invoices is a great way to save time for any situation where customers are billed on a recurring basis. Once recurring invoices are scheduled, FINSYNC will automatically generate and send new invoices on the schedule and for the duration selected.
Setting up recurring invoices is easy. Follow these steps to create an invoice and set to recurring:
1. Within the FINSYNC Business Platform, click Payments from the main menu.
2. From the menu on the left, select Quick Links to expand the menu
3. Select the "+" icon next to Invoices to create a new invoice
4. Select a Customer name from the drop down under Billed To. If necessary, you can add a new customer by selecting Add New above the customer selection.
5. Add at least one line to the invoice, including Item, Description (optional), Unit Price, Qty and Tax (if applicable).
Note: If you selected an item from the catalog, the Unit Price defaults to what is in the Catalog. The price can be edited directly if needed.
6. Use the New Line Item button to add additional line items to the invoice as needed
7. On the right side of the invoice, select the Set as Recurring option. Within this section, select the toggle switch next to Recurring Invoice. The toggle switch will then change to green and display several options for recurring invoices.
8. Select the options for this recurring invoice
- Start Date: The Date this recurring invoice should start
- Repeat Every: The desired frequency for this recurring invoice (weeks, months, years).
- Recurs Until - Select one of the following options:
- Further Notice: Invoice will continue until manually cancelled/updated
- A Specific End Date: Enter the ending date
- A Specific Number of Invoices: Enter the number of invoices
- Require Approval? Select one of the following options:
- Leave the toggle switch off
- Require Approval:
- Select the toggle switch to turn on (green) if each new recurrence of this invoice must approved before sending. These will appear in the To Approve queue for review & approval before sending. This is also convenient for any situations where additional information needs to be added to an invoice.
- Leave the toggle switch off if no approval us needed. Note that this is required for the invoice to be sent automatically for each recurrence.
- Send Automatically: Select the toggle switch to turn on (green) if this invoice should be sent automatically for each recurrence.
- Due Date (default term): Set to the amount of days your customer has to pay the invoice and still be on time. "30 Days" = NET30.
- Note: Invoices being considered for FINSYNC Collect Early must be set to 30 days (or less)
Once complete with the recurring settings, adjust any other options for this invoice
9. Review the Payment Details section to confirm if any options need to be set:
- Set Reminder: Frequency to remind the invoice recipient to pay the invoice
- Accept Partial Payments: Select the the toggle switch to turn on (green) if you would like to offer the invoice recipient to pay partial payments. When this is turned off, the invoice recipient must pay the full amount.
- Payment Terms: Add specific payment terms as needed.
- Additional Notes: You can use for any additional notes to provide to the invoice recipient.
10. When all options are set, select the green Save button at the bottom when you're finished. Once saved, the invoices will be sent under the recurring options specified. The process is complete!
Viewing Recurring Invoices
1. Select Payments from the main menu.
2. From the menu on the left, select Quick Links to expand the menu
3. Select the gray Recurring button on the upper-right
Note: Recurring invoices will display and include the key details for the recurring schedule for each invoice.