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What Happens If Someone Sends a Check with No Invoice Reference Number to the Lockbox?

On occasion you may receive a check from a customer when an invoice was never sent out. Assuming this was intentional on the part of the customer and the check does not need to be returned and does in fact need to be deposited, there are several options to take: 

  • Find an open, perhaps past due invoice, for the customer that sent the check in. You can then mark that invoice as Paid and match the transaction with the receivable. 
  • In the case of the customer having no past dues, create a new invoice, designate it as Paid and match the banking transaction with the receivable. 
  • If you are using FINSYNC's Lockbox service, a member of our support team will reach out to you to suggest creating an invoice to match the check with. 


 Related Articles: 

Overview of FINSYNC's Lockbox Service

How to Enable Lockbox for Receiving Payments by Check

FINSYNC's Limited Plan

How to Handle Bulk Cash and Check Deposits in Your FINSYNC Profile for Multiple AR Items